HeartMate 3™ LVAD

Your HeartMate 3™ LVAD will work by continuously spinning blood from the weak part of the heart, through the device, out to the aorta, and the rest of the body. There is a small rotor located inside the VAD that helps with this spinning motion. The pump is always connected to a controller and requires a power source to keep the VAD spinning. Because the continuous flow device bypasses the weakened heart chamber, you may not be able to feel your pulse. 

Already have a HeartMate 3™ LVAD?

Want more information? Check out the HeartMate 3™ LVAD ACTION Patent Education Handbook. 

¿Hablas Español? Aquí está la versión en Español.

Are you an ADULT with a HeartMate 3™ LVAD?

We created a patient handbook resource for information tailored to adults as well. See the HeartMate 3™ LVAD Adult ACTION Patent Education Handbook. 

The goal of the VAD is to improve the way you feel. Learn more about how a VAD could improve your quality of life in the interactive below.

While VADs have been shown to help many patients, living with a VAD has its challenges. VAD patients must:

  • take blood thinners and other medicines to help the heart
  • make frequent visits to the doctor to make sure the VAD is working right
  • have a caregiver who understands how the pump works
  • change the bandages and clean the area where parts of the pump meet the skin

Learning about your VAD is an important part of getting you discharged and keeping you safe. Watch this video to learn more about how your device works.

Your care team will provide you with more in-depth training to prepare for the VAD quiz that you and your caregivers must complete before leaving the hospital.

Download our VAD-Venture iOS App for the HeartMate 3™ LVAD!

Check out our VAD-Venture Controller Change-Out simulation app for iOS. This simulation game is designed to help you practice changing out the HeartMate 3™ LVAD controller, in return helping you build the confidence needed to properly care for your device. 

Don’t have iOS? Practice your skills here.

Device Components

The equipment is life-saving and managing it may feel overwhelming. However, learning how each of the pieces work together will help you feel more comfortable in your daily journey.


The HeartMate 3™ LVAD is placed inside your chest. The outflow graft is a flexible tube that connects the outflow of the HeartMate 3™ LVAD to the aorta. It helps carry the blood from the pump to the rest of the body. The inside of the pump has a rotor that spins continuously and can distribute up to 10 liters of blood per minute (L/min).

2 Driveline 

The driveline is made of electrical wires that connect the HeartMate 3™ LVAD to the system controller. The driveline has two important functions in order to make the device work properly. First, the driveline brings power to the HeartMate 3™ LVAD to make the pump spin. If the driveline is ever disconnected from the system controller your HeartMate 3™ LVAD will stop working. Secondly, the driveline sends important information back and forth between the LVAD (inside the heart) and the system controller. 

3 System Monitor 

You will only be plugged into the monitor when you are in the hospital or in clinic. The monitor tells your care team how your device is working so they can make any adjustments needed. 

4 System Controller 

There is a port where the driveline enters the controller and transfers power and information. The controller provides power to the pump, and the pump sends vital information back about how the pump is working. 

To learn more about your HeartMate 3™ LVAD equipment watch the Equipment interactive below.

Pump Parameters
There are many numbers that you will want to know about. The RPM, or rotations per minute, is set by your care team. The other numbers are calculated but will tell the team a lot about how you are doing. Watch the interactive below to learn more.

Math & Mechanics
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To learn more about alarms and troubleshooting, reference your ACTION HeartMate 3™ LVAD Patient Education Handbook, or the HeartMate 3™  Left Ventricular Assist System Patient Handbook given to you on or before your surgery or watch the Learning Alarms & Troubleshooting interactive below.

5 Electrical Power

You must avoid being away from electricity for a long period of time. 

  • Mobile Power Unit/Wall Charger: While you are sleeping, you may use this device to power your VAD. It is plugged into the wall.
  • Batteries: A pair of batteries can power a device for at least 10 to 17 hours.
  • Battery Charger: The battery charger dock is a charging station for the batteries.


HeartMate 3™ LVAD can be used to help a heart pump for many reasons. Depending on your situation, it may be used as:
  • Bridge to Transplant: To support the heart until the best donor heart is available for transplant.
  • Destination or Chronic Therapy: To support the heart, decrease heart failure symptoms and improve overall quality of life.
  • Bridge to Recovery: To support the heart if there is a chance the heart will recover.
  • Bridge to Decision: To support the heart until a decision can be made by the family and medical team regarding next steps (surgeries or medications).
A HeartMate 3™ LVAD may help reduce heart failure symptoms and improve quality of life as you continue along your journey.

Is this VAD Right for Me?

Find out if a continuous flow VAD is right for you.


There are also some risks associated with having a VAD, but your care team will work hard to keep you safe.


The driveline comes out of your belly and will need to be cleaned frequently. This is important because bacteria lives on your skin and may cause an infection at your driveline site. You may feel nervous the first few times your dressings are changed, but your care team will be there to support you.


There is a risk of stroke with all VADs. A clot can form in the VAD, become dislodged, and may travel up a blood vessel to the brain. A blood clot in the brain leads to a decreased blood flow to the brain in that specific area, and this is called a stroke. Your care team will manage your blood thinner medicines and levels carefully to try to prevent a stroke. Sometimes, even with perfect levels, a stroke will occur.

Your care team will monitor you for the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Numbness and/or tingling on one side of the body
  • Weakness on one side of the body
  • Slurred speech


There is a risk of bleeding with all VADs. To prevent clots from forming in the device, you have to be on a blood thinner. Sometimes the blood thinner will lead to bleeding that may require a change in medicines, a blood transfusion, or in some cases, a surgery to stop the bleeding. Your care team will manage your blood thinner medicine and levels carefully to try to prevent bleeding. Sometimes, even with perfect levels bleeding will occur.

Pediatric VAD Infections

Download the pdf to learn more.

Take ACTION Reducing Stroke Rates

Download the pdf to learn more. 

Device Components

The equipment is life-saving and managing it may feel overwhelming. However, learning how each of the pieces work together will help you feel more comfortable in your daily journey.


The HeartMate 3™ LVAD is placed inside your chest. The outflow graft is a flexible tube that connects the outflow of the HeartMate 3™ LVAD to the aorta. It helps carry the blood from the pump to the rest of the body. The inside of the pump has a rotor that spins continuously and can distribute up to 10 liters of blood per minute (L/min).

2 Driveline 

The driveline is made of electrical wires that connect the HeartMate 3™ LVAD to the system controller. The driveline has two important functions in order to make the device work properly. First, the driveline brings power to the HeartMate 3™ LVAD to make the pump spin. If the driveline is ever disconnected from the system controller your HeartMate 3™ LVAD will stop working. Secondly, the driveline sends important information back and forth between the LVAD (inside the heart) and the system controller. 

3 System Monitor 

You will only be plugged into the monitor when you are in the hospital or in clinic. The monitor tells your care team how your device is working so they can make any adjustments needed. 

4 System Controller 

There is a port where the driveline enters the controller and transfers power and information. The controller provides power to the pump, and the pump sends vital information back about how the pump is working. 

To learn more about your HeartMate 3™ LVAD equipment watch the Equipment interactive below.

Pump Parameters
There are many numbers that you will want to know about. The RPM, or rotations per minute, is set by your care team. The other numbers are calculated but will tell the team a lot about how you are doing. Watch the interactive below to learn more.

Math & Mechanics
Download PDF

To learn more about alarms and troubleshooting, reference your ACTION HeartMate 3™ LVAD Patient Education Handbook, or the HeartMate 3™  Left Ventricular Assist System Patient Handbook given to you on or before your surgery or watch the Learning Alarms & Troubleshooting interactive below.

5 Electrical Power

You must avoid being away from electricity for a long period of time. 

  • Mobile Power Unit/Wall Charger: While you are sleeping, you may use this device to power your VAD. It is plugged into the wall.
  • Batteries: A pair of batteries can power a device for at least 10 to 17 hours.
  • Battery Charger: The battery charger dock is a charging station for the batteries.


HeartMate 3™ LVAD can be used to help a heart pump for many reasons. Depending on your situation, it may be used as:
  • Bridge to Transplant: To support the heart until the best donor heart is available for transplant.
  • Destination or Chronic Therapy: To support the heart, decrease heart failure symptoms and improve overall quality of life.
  • Bridge to Recovery: To support the heart if there is a chance the heart will recover.
  • Bridge to Decision: To support the heart until a decision can be made by the family and medical team regarding next steps (surgeries or medications).
A HeartMate 3™ LVAD may help reduce heart failure symptoms and improve quality of life as you continue along your journey.

Is this VAD Right for Me?

Find out if a continuous flow VAD is right for you.


There are also some risks associated with having a VAD, but your care team will work hard to keep you safe.


The driveline comes out of your belly and will need to be cleaned frequently. This is important because bacteria lives on your skin and may cause an infection at your driveline site. You may feel nervous the first few times your dressings are changed, but your care team will be there to support you.


There is a risk of stroke with all VADs. A clot can form in the VAD, become dislodged, and may travel up a blood vessel to the brain. A blood clot in the brain leads to a decreased blood flow to the brain in that specific area, and this is called a stroke. Your care team will manage your blood thinner medicines and levels carefully to try to prevent a stroke. Sometimes, even with perfect levels, a stroke will occur.

Your care team will monitor you for the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Numbness and/or tingling on one side of the body
  • Weakness on one side of the body
  • Slurred speech


There is a risk of bleeding with all VADs. To prevent clots from forming in the device, you have to be on a blood thinner. Sometimes the blood thinner will lead to bleeding that may require a change in medicines, a blood transfusion, or in some cases, a surgery to stop the bleeding. Your care team will manage your blood thinner medicine and levels carefully to try to prevent bleeding. Sometimes, even with perfect levels bleeding will occur.

Pediatric VAD Infections

Download the pdf to learn more.

Take ACTION Reducing Stroke Rates

Download the pdf to learn more.