Education & Training

VADs Overview



By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Define Ventricular Assist Device
  • Identify review the uses in pediatric heart failure patients
  • Discuss device types and therapeutic goals
  • Contrast the uses of pulsatile and continuous flow devices
  • Discuss patient selection criteria and general VAD patient care topics

In this training, you will complete the following tasks:

  • Review the training
  • Take the quiz

What should patients know about VADs?

Check out our VAD information for Patient & Caregivers.



VAD Decision Aid Booklet

The pediatric version of the IDecide VAD decision aid booklet was designed for pediatric patients and their families to help them better understand VADs and determine which one is right for their unique situation.

What should patients know about VADs?

Check out our VAD information for Patient & Caregivers.